Cat stuck in tree at Grand Canyon National Park reunited with owner

8 months trước

A cat found in a precarious position at Grand Canyon National Park was rescued by firefighters after being spotted balancing precariously on a tree branch.

The Grand Canyon NPS shared the incident on social media, seeking help to locate the cat’s owners.

Well, after being rescued around 1 p.m. near the park’s Mather Campground on the South Rim, the cat was eventually reunited with his family as of 7 p.m. local time Friday night.

Archie, a 2-year-old male cat, escaped from a residential area near Grand Canyon National Park’s Mather Campground. He was stuck about 15 feet up in a ponderosa pine tree. Firefighters rescued Archie, using a ladder to reach him while another responder held the tree steady.

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