Oregon shelter rescues ‘rare’ intersex tortoiseshell kitten, likened to spotting a unicorn

8 months trước

A rare kitten arrived at an Oregon humane society, likened to a unicorn sighting by employees.

Named Cinder, the tiny, one-pound cat is a male tortoiseshell and hermaphrodite, with striking coloring typically seen in female cats. His condition is described as a feline disorder of sexual development (DSD).

Even labeling the kitten a male is “tough,” according to Crystal Bloodworth, a medical director at the HSCO who has performed “tens of thousands of cat surgeries” throughout her career — and “only seen one other male calico and only a handful of true hermaphrodite animals.”

However, the director noted, “With the binary nature of animals and people’s perception of animals, we chose male.”

After arriving at the humane society in late April, Cinder was initially classified as female and named Cindi. He was placed in a foster home where he displayed typical kitten behaviors—loving, adventurous, and playful.

Five weeks later, Cinder underwent spay surgery at the clinic. During the procedure, Bloodworth discovered he lacked a uterus or ovaries. The veterinary team at HSCO found and removed two testicles, and following the surgery, Cindi became Cinder.

The shelter’s staff believes Cinder is “very likely a three sex chromosome cat XXY,” because “the two X chromosomes allow for the tortoiseshell coloring and the Y chromosome allows for the testicles,” the HSCO said.

Bloodworth explained that as an adult, Cinder would likely be classified as female by a veterinarian due to his external genitalia resembling that of a female, along with being a tortoiseshell cat.

She noted that as a kitten, Cinder lacked a uterus and ovaries but had testicles and what appeared to be a vulva.

HSCO clinic manager Bailey Shelton said that Cinder’s arrival — the kitten was part of an owner-relinquished litter — was “like spotting a unicorn!”

“Even though I’ve only been in the veterinary field for nine years, this very well could be a once-in-a-career moment,” she continued. “They always talked about how rare male tortoiseshells are back in school, but seeing one in person is something else.”

Another HSCO employee, Annie Pulzone, echoed Shelton’s reaction, adding that she has only seen one other XXY cat during her 10-year career. “It is always fun to see these types of animals in one’s career,” Pulzone said, “because they are so rare.”

According to a release from HSCO obtained by PEOPLE, a family adopted Cinder on June 7. The kitten’s new home includes an aspiring veterinarian. The adopters told the shelter that Cinder was “funny, quirky, and sweet” and is “full of male energy, with a tortoiseshell attitude.”

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