Penguin travels 5,000 miles annually to reunite with fisherman who saved him!

9 months trước

Animals have more love & respect than humans!

What an extraordinary journey for such a little bird… what an incredible bond they have!

It’s truly remarkable for such a small creature to undertake such a journey just to reunite with someone. Animals often think more of us than we realize.

Joao Pereira de Souza found a struggling penguin on a Rio de Janeiro beach in 2011, rescuing and caring for it until it regained its health.

Soon after the penguin was back on its feet, Joao released him back to nature…

Such a beautiful relationship

Remarkably, the penguin returned to where Joao saved him after a year and continues to visit him annually, traveling 5,000 miles for their reunion.

He’s a real humanitarian. a truly “Good Samaritan“!

Joao named the penguin Dindim and they fostered a close friendship, spending eight months together before Dindim returned to the coastal areas of Chile and Argentina for breeding. Joao takes pride in their special bond, believing Dindim sees him as part of his family.

How adorable & dedicated these 2 are to each other.

Maybe the two of them could show people how to be kind.

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