Photographer captures light diffracting through hummingbird wings like a rainbow

4 months trước

Nature never fails to amaze, as evidenced by photographer Christian Spencer’s stunning discovery in Rio de Janeiro. While enjoying the sights, he captured a Jacobin hummingbird’s wings diffracting sunlight, creating a breathtaking rainbow effect.

His 2011 film, ‘The Dance of Time,’ showcasing these rainbow movements, went on to win 10 international awards. Returning years later, Spencer continued his work with the mesmerizing ‘rainbow hummingbird.’

Christian Spencer aimed to capture the same natural phenomenon created by bird wings. The resulting series of images, titled ‘Winged Prism,’ reveal unseen secrets of nature, achieved solely through light diffraction in Jacobin hummingbird wings. Despite skepticism about digital editing, Spencer affirms no manipulation was involved. His work has captivated viewers worldwide, receiving messages of awe and disbelief at the magical reality captured in his photographs.

Undoubtedly proof of the beauty of nature.

Is it a rainbow? Or is it a bird?

The moment where a rainbow and a bird come together.

Looks like a mesmerizing painting done by an artist.

Have you ever seen something as breathtaking as the rainbow-colored wings of the hummingbird?

Behold the glorious winged prism.

Looks like a bird that came right out of a fairytale.

One of the most beautiful phenomenon in the world.

Many of the photos have won awards; Winner | Tokyo Photo Awards | Japan | 2020,
Highly Commended “Natures Artistry” | WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR | London 2021, Highly Commended | Bird Photographer of the Year | England | 2020
By. Supuni

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