Stray dog found in shoebox surprises when discovered

5 months trước

Hope for Paws took immediate action upon learning about a dog living alone in a shoebox in a Los Angeles backyard. When they removed the little chihuahua from the box, they discovered something unique about him.

This little chihuahua, residing in a shoebox in a Los Angeles backyard, proves that even homeless dogs hold hope for finding a new home.

After discovering the dog was actually homeless, the neighbor called an animal rescue organization.

Upon hearing the story, Eldad and Loreta from Hope for Paws immediately went to the house to rescue the little dog in November last year.

Finding the little dog motionless in the rain-soaked shoebox, they noticed something special about her when they picked her up: Princess was missing one front leg and seemed unable to walk normally. Wrapping her in a towel, they took her to the vet for a warm bath with foam.

After Princess was cleaned and began eating well, a vet examination revealed her incredibly poor condition.

She suffered from severe anemia, resulting in constant weakness and fatigue due to insufficient red blood cells and hemoglobin in her blood.

After several weeks of monitoring by the vet, Princess regained enough strength to rise from her bed and start living the life dogs deserve. Soon, she was running on three legs and enjoying the company of those around her.

In March, Hope For Paws happily announced that Princess had found a foster family.

We are so happy that these animal lovers found Princess and nursed her back to health! Please share this article with your friends and help raise awareness of the important actions being taken by Hope For Paws!

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