The hawk was baffled by the duck’s lack of fear towards it

4 months trước

The hawk had an intriguing encounter when it came across a duck during its hunt. Instead of showing fear, the duck peacefully rested on the grass, completely ignoring the hawk’s presence. This puzzled the hawk, as it expected the duck to acknowledge its predatory power.

The hawk was puzzled because the duck turned out to be just a decoy. The whole incident, captured on video, is sure to bring a smile to your face. For a few minutes, the hawk tried to intimidate and conquer the unusual-looking duck, looking around occasionally as if to check if it was being tricked.

The hawk approached the duck swiftly, attempting to grab it with its claws. Seeing no response, the hawk circled around the duck, prodding it as if trying to rouse it from deep sleep. After its persistent efforts went unrewarded, the bird finally gave up and flew off in search of a more responsive target. This unique encounter will surely remain memorable for the hawk.

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